Sunday, November 11, 2007


Over the weekend (Well, technically since Thursday) I have been out at malls and I could not believe my visual and audio senses that such places are already decked with Christmas decor and mechandises. It was merely a week since Halloween! I do not recall whether any highlights of the Christmas season was shown in any of the city's hot spots over the previous weekend, but man! It was like the elves of Christmas commercialism came to town and turned it around within a day.

Now, everywhere I go there are Christmas illuminations, decorations, and songs putting everyone into the festive mood of commercialized shopping. Sigh! Well, it does serve as a reminder that I should get my shopping done and mail them off soon since I am away from home again. However, it also unleashes the tinge of sadness as although I have a 2-week long Christmas-Year-End-Break but I could not make any plans to travel due to my landing status. (Major SIGH!)

Anyways, I will not be bogged down by the negative and look towards to celebrating Christmas with joy this year. It seems rather strange as people are slowly getting into the Christmas mood even before Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, I should start filling up my schedule for the next few weekends. Since I have yet to know the results whether I will be spending Christmas in Japan or not, I will just have to be content with helping out at TUC with the decorations at church and the crafts for the homeless on the first weekend of December instead of whining about whether I should make plans for the holidays or to decorate my apartment. I also hope to attend the Messiah concert at TCU. This year, the soloist will be taken by the alumni of our school! I am looking forward to that, and possibly, be a student again and attend the TCU Christmas Party and carolling.

The weather is getting colder, carols and popular Christmas music fills the air... Why not enjoy it?

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