Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OMG! I Can't Believe that I am Jealous!

I need to pull myself together. I have tonnes of work to do and I have been having a headache since this morning. I seriously do not need something out of my control to occupy my mind and tease my sanity right now. Oh, crap!


The American college attire. Shorts, tank tops, flip-flops and a hoodie.
I would only wear this on days I care less about everything else. It knocks off years and I get to be a teenager again.

Arrgh! I have been waiting for this all summer. I know it starts today. I made sure that I was in close proximity of the TV. I waited for the time. House Season 5 starts today. I was ready to watch my favorite series at 8pm. To my horror! It was 8/7c .... meaning it started at 7pm central time!!! I only managed to catch the last 10 minutes of the show. Boo! Great! That made me feel SO MUCH better (over dose on the sarcasm).

Anyways, I did start cooking. I made maggi goreng and the nyonya dessert of tapioca, coconut milk and syrup. I do feel a little better now. What was I thinking doubting myself? It is ok. Life is not fair, but all I can do is make the best of what I can do. I just have to be myself... After all, it is supposed to be patient, kind, does not envy, and is build on faith and trust.

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