Friday, March 28, 2008

Adapting to Silence

It has been a while since I was able to sit down and put my thoughts into words. My travels to UK and visitations from family has kept me busy. Having people to speak with is much desired as I hardly speak more than 5 minutes a day, thus blogging has been the outlet of my thoughts. Now, I return to the monotony of my life in Macao as before all the adventure began.

I am exhausted. It was not caused by the running about it going places or doing stuff with loved ones, but it has more related to waiting patiently for the next step. The first thing I do every morning is to check my email, but was left disappointed. I gather up hopes at the end of the day by telling myself "Tomorrow, tomorrow will be the day," but my hopes were dashed again the next morning. It has been a week now and this has added on to my lack of sleep and running about. Can someone please send telepathic messages to the Windy City for them to break the news to me soon?

I miss having people around me. Their presence provide me with activities to keep my mind occupied. Although I do not totally fancy their antics but I sure welcome the variety of outcome in every possible situation and conversation. It makes the voices in my head behave themselves as WE live among people. Waking up alone and returning to an empty apartment just let them out to play. Their debates and suggestions help me better understand the situation I am in, but I just want to wait in patience and peace. "Shut up, please. Shut up!"

Please, please let me know the confirmation to various details by this week. I am going nuts!

Someone mentioned that such institutions have a knack for making people wait in misery, but I guess I am willing to take part in this sadomasochistic dance to move forward to what I want to do. Come on...

I should take my mind off the subject and think of happy thoughts. Stay tuned for entries on the past 3 weeks of fun filled excitement.

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