The familiar chain of sneezes hit me on Sunday. Strange. I haven't had this for a long time now. My eyes were smarting a little and my neck started to itch. Hmm, maybe I am allergic to something. A day after, a rash started to form below my chin. Yep, I must be allergic to something.
My days were nothing but crazy since Monday. My sneezes continued for the next few days but the numbers escalated yesterday. The sensitivity of my nose to smell has also increased. My throat started to feel weird since morning and I found it difficult to concentrate during my afternoon class. Thank goodness my evening class was cancelled as I was starting to feel woozy during dinner. I felt feverish and instead of doing some studying in the evening, I slept from 7:30pm till 9am this morning. Without a doubt, I am sick.
The change in weather and the drop in temperature could signify the end of summer, but hey, as the Japanese saying goes "only fools don't catch a cold" (or is it the other way round?). The title comes from a Taiwanese drama I used to watch, so where would the truth to the statement lie? I need rest and my body is telling me that. Since I did not pack any medicine neither am I familiar with the local drugs, I guess sleep would be best with heavy dosages of warm honey water and chamomile tea.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bed and a bath is what I need right now. I am a little famished but my appetite seems not to agree. Time is a limiting factor; thus, candy is the best option available at this moment.
Last weekend was a HUGE treat for me in the many aspects that pull the strings of this simple being.
I am so tired, but am perfectly happy and content. Although reckless and a little irresponsible, I feel almost invincible and ready to take on whatever madness that will be thrown at me.
Somehow every little thing snowballed into nothing but a sweet experience. Taking things at face value, although it might be silly for me to think that way, but it sure feels like there is something there.
Smiling right from the bottom of my heart, I am glad that things worked out the way they did and my weekend will be cherished for a lifetime.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am feeling all queasy in my tummy and I can't stop smiling ear to ear. Less than 12 hours to go!
The great exodus from Ohio to Volkman was yesterday. I was starting to worry whether I will be able to get through the day as I had a commitment to help out Student Development all morning and had to check in with Financial Aid since I have been out all Wednesday. I finished up some filing and I was off to the dorms for the big move. I shared the dissapointment with my roommates in finding out that our apartment was not in the condition we expected. We were starting to get annoyed as we moved our stuff.
Man! We did have to move A LOT of stuff. We started around 3 and was only done with the assembling of our last piece of furniture around 11pm. In between we went out to get the most unhealthy food possible around 8pm. I was famished as the last meal I had was at 2pm the day before. As we unpacked a little as we waited for our turns for the shower and went to Woodman's to get stuff for breakfast. My roommies and I came back and I unpacked while they slept. I was finally done during the break of dawn, slept a little, and made breakfast of toast, bacon, and eggs.
I thought that having a job now would give me the discipline to sleep and rise early; on the contrary, I have been having late nights and lack the needed sleep. It had been a fun week with Pintess. I have been running around and although my body is pretty much worn out, I am looking forward to the weekend before school starts. (Yep, I checked my email on Wendesday and my classes has been pushed forward to start on Monday and some even come with an assignment due on the first class!) Whoop! Lucky me! (-_- #)
My body is starting to ache. My days all week has been nothing but madness. I see myself limited to time, energy, and focus. I am reminded I am still human, but I am thankful that God helps me through the day without fail.The great exodus from Ohio to Volkman was yesterday. I was starting to worry whether I will be able to get through the day as I had a commitment to help out Student Development all morning and had to check in with Financial Aid since I have been out all Wednesday. I finished up some filing and I was off to the dorms for the big move. I shared the dissapointment with my roommates in finding out that our apartment was not in the condition we expected. We were starting to get annoyed as we moved our stuff.
Man! We did have to move A LOT of stuff. We started around 3 and was only done with the assembling of our last piece of furniture around 11pm. In between we went out to get the most unhealthy food possible around 8pm. I was famished as the last meal I had was at 2pm the day before. As we unpacked a little as we waited for our turns for the shower and went to Woodman's to get stuff for breakfast. My roommies and I came back and I unpacked while they slept. I was finally done during the break of dawn, slept a little, and made breakfast of toast, bacon, and eggs.
I thought that having a job now would give me the discipline to sleep and rise early; on the contrary, I have been having late nights and lack the needed sleep. It had been a fun week with Pintess. I have been running around and although my body is pretty much worn out, I am looking forward to the weekend before school starts. (Yep, I checked my email on Wendesday and my classes has been pushed forward to start on Monday and some even come with an assignment due on the first class!) Whoop! Lucky me! (-_- #)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hang the Plan
One of the fun advantages of being a student is that we get long holidays; however, since technically I am not a traditional student, do I still have that privellege?
I want a break. It is not a "must have," but it is more like a "it would be nice to have." Thus, I am asking for a luxury.
**** (>_<) ****
I am rather tired and sleepy right now my brain is hardly able to focus. This not a complaint. It is just that things are taking a spin off the tangen from the initial plan for this week, and it is good. It seems that I might not be spending all my time at Financial Aid this week as planned.Yesterday, I was running errands around campus in the morning and had my interview with the Education Department. Since there was not much work at Financial Aid, I took the day off and accompanied N and her sis to the mall to get stuff to help the lil sis start college. We finished up our trip to the mall with a scrumptious late lunch. I settled some bills online when we got back and took a nap since I had a long day on Sunday. When I got up, N's sis, C and I went to watch "Mama Mia!" Ooh! What a wonderful movie! I enjoyed every bit of it. The movie finished past midnight and we picked N up to do some shopping at Woodman's until 1:30am.
Today will be a treat for me. STF will be visiting today and we will catch up later this afternoon. If I can be excused, I'll be the buffer-man between the sisters as they head out to downtown Chicago tomorrow. Hmm, I still need to find time in between to pack and move as I am expected to check out of Ohio on Thursday. Now, how will I be able to juggle that with a full day of work on the same day?
The rest of the original plan is for me to stick around orientation week. It seems like an interesting schedule. (click for details) Since I am not a traditional student, I am not obligated to join; however, since it would be the busiest time for campus administration, I'd be helping out Financial Aid. Nevertheless, I have something up my sleeve. (Teeheehee... Muahahaa....)
As for now, I hope that everything works out fine, if not better.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Over the Hurdle
My summer course are over. Finally, I am done with the final class of my third course since my arrival. The coursework for Social Science Methods (Elementary) was crazy! There were almost 9 projects to be completed in 4 weeks! I am glad that everything is done now. It was a long summer for some of us, and some of my classmates and I went out to Benningan's for "dessert" after our presentation in celebration. What would one have at an American Irish pub? NV bought the first round of drinks and I had a Guinness, and my 2nd drink on the house was a margarita. Since I had nothing to eat all day, I got myself a burger and enjoyed the evening getting to know my classmates better. A summer with people from the cert only program was fun, the adult kind of way.
Now, technically I am class free for 2 weeks, but since things are the way they are... I will spend my time at Financial Aid during the day, and work on my portfolio which is due when I have my interview on Monday. N's sister is coming to visit from Sunday till Thursday, I reckon we will be moving out of Ohio to Volkman somewhere in between her stay. Orientation starts on Friday till August 26, and since I am not a traditional student or "new" anymore, I am staying as a helper while learning up whatever I have not been informed. I finally have my "come back" to those who frequently ask me whether I travel around the country when I study abroad, "As if I have the cash to do that." Sigh. For those who says it is fun being a student, I do agree to a degree: however, saying that to a person who is going back to study with limited funding is not very nice.
So, I guess I am stuck doing what I have to do. Working on my portfolio is tedious with a tinge of fun. I feel like a school kid working on putting materials into my file, but because I am who I am, I tend to be little-Miss-Perfectionist at it. I was up till 3:30 am working on the deviders and I hope to get everything else done by tonight. I need to start on my letter to G to work out my finances after.
Now, technically I am class free for 2 weeks, but since things are the way they are... I will spend my time at Financial Aid during the day, and work on my portfolio which is due when I have my interview on Monday. N's sister is coming to visit from Sunday till Thursday, I reckon we will be moving out of Ohio to Volkman somewhere in between her stay. Orientation starts on Friday till August 26, and since I am not a traditional student or "new" anymore, I am staying as a helper while learning up whatever I have not been informed. I finally have my "come back" to those who frequently ask me whether I travel around the country when I study abroad, "As if I have the cash to do that." Sigh. For those who says it is fun being a student, I do agree to a degree: however, saying that to a person who is going back to study with limited funding is not very nice.
So, I guess I am stuck doing what I have to do. Working on my portfolio is tedious with a tinge of fun. I feel like a school kid working on putting materials into my file, but because I am who I am, I tend to be little-Miss-Perfectionist at it. I was up till 3:30 am working on the deviders and I hope to get everything else done by tonight. I need to start on my letter to G to work out my finances after.
"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I am not ready to grow up
The whole figuring out my finances is crushing my brain. Maybe being independant is not such a good idea after all. But then again, if everything is settled for me or handed to me on a platter, I would never learn and will never cherish things that mean the most to me. So, being miserable helps? Fine, that is the overplay of words, but I am a firm believer that persecution/suffering makes one grow. "A flower that blooms in adversity is the most beautiful of all." Like a child, delayed gratification is a good discipline.
I guess it is good to revert to childlike-ness every now and then. I enjoy reading manga and watching anime, till this very day. Some of my favorites are NeoGenesis Evangelion, BLEACH, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Yakitate Japan!, Nana, Honey and Clover, Paradise Kiss, etc. My all time favorite thus far is Inuyasha which I have completed all the anime and manga. I remember picking this up after identifying that Inuyasha was the latter work of the author who did Ranma 1/2, and that was almost 13 years ago! I started buying the comic books up to, maybe, volume 26 before I left for Japan. During my years in Japan, I occasionally caught the anime on TV or seen previews of the movies. It was my days in Macao when I watched the entire series online and coming to Chicago, read every manga about it during summer.
Hmm, in my defense I would say that although this past time might seem childish to some, rest assured that I am not a fanatic, akiba-kei, or otaku. I still enjoy the company of people, do go out and do stuff, and do not only sit in front of the computer all day. Cosplay and the obsession of merchandizes are not really my thing too. I guess I enjoy Japanese comics and animation to this day not just to refresh and improve on my Japanese as I used it for my Chinese in the past, but rather I like it as the lively theme songs pumps my mood, the stories always give life to hope and dreams, and most of all they are my retreat from reality. Furthermore, it gives insights to the groups of people I will be dealing with, students and young people.
Call me a geek or whatever you wish. I enjoy art in the media form of Japanese manga and animation, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
I guess it is good to revert to childlike-ness every now and then. I enjoy reading manga and watching anime, till this very day. Some of my favorites are NeoGenesis Evangelion, BLEACH, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Yakitate Japan!, Nana, Honey and Clover, Paradise Kiss, etc. My all time favorite thus far is Inuyasha which I have completed all the anime and manga. I remember picking this up after identifying that Inuyasha was the latter work of the author who did Ranma 1/2, and that was almost 13 years ago! I started buying the comic books up to, maybe, volume 26 before I left for Japan. During my years in Japan, I occasionally caught the anime on TV or seen previews of the movies. It was my days in Macao when I watched the entire series online and coming to Chicago, read every manga about it during summer.

Call me a geek or whatever you wish. I enjoy art in the media form of Japanese manga and animation, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Eeek! Oh no! How now? What can I do?
"NO!!! NO WAY!" I thought to myself as I saw a strand of silver white hair on my clothes as I got ready this morning. "This is not mine. It is too long. It'd better not be mine."
The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep last night and the very first thing that plagued my mind the moment I open my eyes was MONEY. This is sad and very pathetic. Tuition is due today and I have been busy working out my finances for a whole week. I finally got things straightened out to some point of understanding, but unless I see it in print on my bill, I guess I am still pretty anxious about it. My classes for the coming year is somewhat finalized, there is a rough estimation for my bill from student accounts, I need to cover textbooks, insurance, and micellaneous expenses on my own, but it would be really helpful if Financial Aid awards me the full amount (if not more) of the additional grant. With the savings I have (that needs to go into my tuition), things are looking pretty tight.
There will be no compromise that I have to work for the rest of the money, but calculating the hourly pay I am receiving and the maximum hours I am allowed to work, I am in doubt whether I am able to make the estimated amount that goes into my stipulated funding. Am I thinking too much? Am I giving myself unnecessary stress? Am I counting the chicks before the eggs hatch? Having my classes finalized, I have a rough idea of how many hours I might have during the day for work. However, since work on campus for me only comes on a "come-in-when-needed" basis, will I even be able to cover half of the hours I am allowed to work? The calculations in my head is driving me nuts.
I know I should not be worrying too much. He who is faithful has brought me here and has always provided for my every need thus far. Why worry?
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.---Matthew 5:25-34
I know this well enough, but I guess I do lack in faith. Do pray for me as I commit these in petition to Him who is love.
The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep last night and the very first thing that plagued my mind the moment I open my eyes was MONEY. This is sad and very pathetic. Tuition is due today and I have been busy working out my finances for a whole week. I finally got things straightened out to some point of understanding, but unless I see it in print on my bill, I guess I am still pretty anxious about it. My classes for the coming year is somewhat finalized, there is a rough estimation for my bill from student accounts, I need to cover textbooks, insurance, and micellaneous expenses on my own, but it would be really helpful if Financial Aid awards me the full amount (if not more) of the additional grant. With the savings I have (that needs to go into my tuition), things are looking pretty tight.
There will be no compromise that I have to work for the rest of the money, but calculating the hourly pay I am receiving and the maximum hours I am allowed to work, I am in doubt whether I am able to make the estimated amount that goes into my stipulated funding. Am I thinking too much? Am I giving myself unnecessary stress? Am I counting the chicks before the eggs hatch? Having my classes finalized, I have a rough idea of how many hours I might have during the day for work. However, since work on campus for me only comes on a "come-in-when-needed" basis, will I even be able to cover half of the hours I am allowed to work? The calculations in my head is driving me nuts.
I know I should not be worrying too much. He who is faithful has brought me here and has always provided for my every need thus far. Why worry?
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.---Matthew 5:25-34
I know this well enough, but I guess I do lack in faith. Do pray for me as I commit these in petition to Him who is love.
- All scholarships, grants, and finacial aid will come through.
- I will be able to secure fixed hours, hopefully the maximum, of campus work during the semester.
- Enough students will sign up for the Japanese class on campus where I will be able to tutor/substitute/teach.
- I will be able to secure teaching/substitute teaching positions in the district soon (providing that I pass my upcoming basic skills test and certification for bilingual teaching).
- Proper money management that I will be frugal and spend wisely.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
カレー always helps!
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Storm
Today mark's my 4th month here and I have experience the terror of an American storm with a tornado threat. I have received emails warning of severe weather conditions from Judson before, but never had I have to take safety measures by taking shelter underground. I admit that I was actually frightened by the storm this evening, a scare that surpass the super storm experienced when I was back in Form 1.
I had a packed schedule for the evening. Finishing late at Financial Aid, I only had 20 minutes to spare as Sarah was picking me up at 4:30. We were meeting Teresa for dinner and to work on our class project before class at 6pm. When I got in the car, Sarah told me that class was canceled. Well, at least we will have time to finish our project. We had a yummy dinner and managed to finish our work around 7. Sarah was kind enough to drive me to Target near the mall to get supplies for my portfolio. I wanted to get supplies soon as my interview is in 2 weeks and I needed to get ready. It was just raining a little when we got there, but the skies were dark and menacing when we got out of Target.
We started to hear the storm sirens going off. The clouds were like a cape of evil. The drive from Target would only be 5 minutes, but the storm came right down on us. Thinking that we would find shelter when we arrived at campus, we continued to drive. Just 500m before Ohio, the rain came down so hard that it was almost impossible to see more than 2 meters ahead. Flashes of lighting were right in front of the windscreen that it was impossible to open my eyes. Sarah kept hitting the breaks and I am thankful that we were in no part of a road accident.
When we arrived at Judson, parked our car, and the rain was so heavy that we were soaked to the bone in our short dash to Ohio. The experience in the car was scary enough, now I just have to summon up courage, braving the storm, and hope that I do not get hit by lightning. Sarah and I went into the dorms and the RD told us that everyone is in the basement shelter. I quickly grabbed towels for Sarah and I and went down stairs. The sight of people in the basement hall reminded me of a refugee camp. Nemma was worried and thought something might have happened to me as the building where my classes are normally held does not have a basement for shelter. I as teasing her that if anything happens to me, she might need to find a new roommate.
We spend about 30 minutes there until Public Safety called saying that it was okay to return to our rooms, but warned us to come down again immediately if the siren goes off again. I asked Sarah to stay until the rain stops. I got to play hostess, serving her hot green tea and Japanese snacks I got from Mistuwa the day before. Sarah's mom checked in with her every now and then. It seems that a tornado did hit about 2km from where our classroom building was. Close...
There is always a first time for everything. At least now I am able to identify a storm siren and have actually went through the safety procedures. What a night!
I had a packed schedule for the evening. Finishing late at Financial Aid, I only had 20 minutes to spare as Sarah was picking me up at 4:30. We were meeting Teresa for dinner and to work on our class project before class at 6pm. When I got in the car, Sarah told me that class was canceled. Well, at least we will have time to finish our project. We had a yummy dinner and managed to finish our work around 7. Sarah was kind enough to drive me to Target near the mall to get supplies for my portfolio. I wanted to get supplies soon as my interview is in 2 weeks and I needed to get ready. It was just raining a little when we got there, but the skies were dark and menacing when we got out of Target.
We started to hear the storm sirens going off. The clouds were like a cape of evil. The drive from Target would only be 5 minutes, but the storm came right down on us. Thinking that we would find shelter when we arrived at campus, we continued to drive. Just 500m before Ohio, the rain came down so hard that it was almost impossible to see more than 2 meters ahead. Flashes of lighting were right in front of the windscreen that it was impossible to open my eyes. Sarah kept hitting the breaks and I am thankful that we were in no part of a road accident.
When we arrived at Judson, parked our car, and the rain was so heavy that we were soaked to the bone in our short dash to Ohio. The experience in the car was scary enough, now I just have to summon up courage, braving the storm, and hope that I do not get hit by lightning. Sarah and I went into the dorms and the RD told us that everyone is in the basement shelter. I quickly grabbed towels for Sarah and I and went down stairs. The sight of people in the basement hall reminded me of a refugee camp. Nemma was worried and thought something might have happened to me as the building where my classes are normally held does not have a basement for shelter. I as teasing her that if anything happens to me, she might need to find a new roommate.
We spend about 30 minutes there until Public Safety called saying that it was okay to return to our rooms, but warned us to come down again immediately if the siren goes off again. I asked Sarah to stay until the rain stops. I got to play hostess, serving her hot green tea and Japanese snacks I got from Mistuwa the day before. Sarah's mom checked in with her every now and then. It seems that a tornado did hit about 2km from where our classroom building was. Close...
There is always a first time for everything. At least now I am able to identify a storm siren and have actually went through the safety procedures. What a night!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Childlike Pleasures
Sundays are becoming like treats to me. I am happy since I am able to attend church on a regular basis. I simply love the sermons at Elgin First Baptist and am getting a hang of it being there. I also enjoy the once in a while escapades to worship with the Japanese congregation at North Shore Baptist Church downtown Chicago when the DeRolfs are on duty there. Today we were there as Chuck was delivering the message and administered the Holy Communion.
As always, we will stop by Mitsuwa on our way back. There we will get our fill of close to authentic Japanese food and being able to shop for Japanese groceries. It was indeed a treat for me as I had a 海鮮丼 (kaisendong-Japanese seafood rice bowl). The pieces of tuna, salmon roe, shrimp roe, squid, crab meat, and unagi were beautifully arranged and I could not help smiling to myself while I ate.
I did spend some time at the supermarket and only got some instant Japanese pasta sauces and どら焼き(dorayaki-Japanese pancakes sandwiching red beans). The Japanese summer festival was on with various seasonal food on promotion. I was staring longingly at the Japanese matcha snacks of various kind but did not buy them. I guess it is a delayed gratification drill and I don't have the extra cash to spend. *Hint hint! How nice would it be to receive a care package with all of my favorites. I am craving for some jellied/pudding snacks too.* (*^_^*)
We picked up Tanya from the airport and made our way back to Elgin. I was kind of nervous to see Tanya again, worrying that she might give me a hard time about my haircut since she specifically asked me not to cut my hair. "Suemae, you have beautiful hair. Please don't cut it." She saw me and liked the haircut. Phew! Not that it matters, but I just wish not to see her look of disappointment.
It was a good day. I took a nap after I got back and finished all my assigned reading. Now, I just have to focus on my lesson plans and teaching modules. Have a good week ahead!
As always, we will stop by Mitsuwa on our way back. There we will get our fill of close to authentic Japanese food and being able to shop for Japanese groceries. It was indeed a treat for me as I had a 海鮮丼 (kaisendong-Japanese seafood rice bowl). The pieces of tuna, salmon roe, shrimp roe, squid, crab meat, and unagi were beautifully arranged and I could not help smiling to myself while I ate.
I did spend some time at the supermarket and only got some instant Japanese pasta sauces and どら焼き(dorayaki-Japanese pancakes sandwiching red beans). The Japanese summer festival was on with various seasonal food on promotion. I was staring longingly at the Japanese matcha snacks of various kind but did not buy them. I guess it is a delayed gratification drill and I don't have the extra cash to spend. *Hint hint! How nice would it be to receive a care package with all of my favorites. I am craving for some jellied/pudding snacks too.* (*^_^*)
We picked up Tanya from the airport and made our way back to Elgin. I was kind of nervous to see Tanya again, worrying that she might give me a hard time about my haircut since she specifically asked me not to cut my hair. "Suemae, you have beautiful hair. Please don't cut it." She saw me and liked the haircut. Phew! Not that it matters, but I just wish not to see her look of disappointment.
It was a good day. I took a nap after I got back and finished all my assigned reading. Now, I just have to focus on my lesson plans and teaching modules. Have a good week ahead!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Girls' Day Out
Even though I was not able to be at the wedding of my choice, my future-roommie-to-be invited me to accompany to her friend's wedding with two other of our common close friends. Nemma, Preeti, Colleen and I were all glammed up in the morning, jumped into Colleen's Volkswagen, and sped up north to the wedding. It was a simple and beautiful wedding with a very homely touch. I loved the bubbles most and think that having guest blow bubbles as the newly weds leave the church is much prettier and less to clean up after.
After the wedding, we came back to the neighborhood and hung out at the riverside. We had a fun dinner and saw Preeti off at the train station. It was a fun day as I got to get out, went for a car ride, saw a Nichiren (Japanese Buddhist Sect) site and a mosque, enjoyed a day out in the sun, and had a wonderful dinner after. We took loads of pictures and instead of me doing all the talking, let the pictures tell you of the fun we had.
After the wedding, we came back to the neighborhood and hung out at the riverside. We had a fun dinner and saw Preeti off at the train station. It was a fun day as I got to get out, went for a car ride, saw a Nichiren (Japanese Buddhist Sect) site and a mosque, enjoyed a day out in the sun, and had a wonderful dinner after. We took loads of pictures and instead of me doing all the talking, let the pictures tell you of the fun we had.
Congratulations, Mark and Ruth! May happiness be with you!
Mark and Ruth will tie the knot today. Two of my closest and dearest friends will be united under the sanctity of marriage and begin a new chapter of life together. How I wished I could be there. I made plans to fly to Indonesia before starting at Judson, but plans just did not work out and my course started earlier than expected. Although not physically there, guys know that I will am holding you in my heart today and always.
I will still remember the day when they started dating. It was right after Valentine's Day 2005 when I wanted to share of my new boyfriend with Ruth. "Hey Ruth, guess what? I have a boyfriend." "Yeah, me too!" We were giggling like little girls. Oh Ruth, I am glad that everything worked out in the grace and perfection of our God who love us so much. I remember teasing Mark since he entered TCU and have never really stop teasing him. Throughout the years, Mark and Ruth make a sweet couple and I know all of us who know them are very happy for them. We knew this day will come and will be praying for their happiness always.
I will still remember the day when they started dating. It was right after Valentine's Day 2005 when I wanted to share of my new boyfriend with Ruth. "Hey Ruth, guess what? I have a boyfriend." "Yeah, me too!" We were giggling like little girls. Oh Ruth, I am glad that everything worked out in the grace and perfection of our God who love us so much. I remember teasing Mark since he entered TCU and have never really stop teasing him. Throughout the years, Mark and Ruth make a sweet couple and I know all of us who know them are very happy for them. We knew this day will come and will be praying for their happiness always.
All My Happiness Goes Out To You--Nicholas Gordon
All my happiness goes out to you:
Pride and pleasure, joy, sweet tears, and love!
Reason, hope, and faith together move
In harmony to bless all that you do.
Let this beginning be the golden dawn
At which all dew-drenched nature sings its glory!
Now should the darkness shrouding every story
Dim the blue-eyed beauty of this morn.
More of life will come than you can hold:
A flood no mortal witness can withstand.
Rest, then, within a quiet, gentle hand,
Knowing where love is as you grow old.
Pride and pleasure, joy, sweet tears, and love!
Reason, hope, and faith together move
In harmony to bless all that you do.
Let this beginning be the golden dawn
At which all dew-drenched nature sings its glory!
Now should the darkness shrouding every story
Dim the blue-eyed beauty of this morn.
More of life will come than you can hold:
A flood no mortal witness can withstand.
Rest, then, within a quiet, gentle hand,
Knowing where love is as you grow old.
Congratulations, Mark and Ruth!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The heat of the afternoon is getting to us. Staying indoors in stuffy air just makes me sleepy. I wanted to read, to break free from my addiction to the computer. I didn't manage to get far into the book before I fell asleep on the bed.
I woke up from my nap and continued where I left. N came into my room and we decided to go for a walk and read at our secret place. The greenery of the trees and the sound of swirling water, that would cool us down. Although the mosquitoes were a menace, but the breeze picked up and it was rather pleasant.
We spent about an hour there. We packed our stuff and started our walk back. I picked up the strap of my backpack, ready to swing it over my shoulder, when I felt a cool gel like feeling. Wait! What could it be? I looked at my right palm. Eeek! A slug! I had water in my mouth so I started making weird noises and flicked away the grossest thing I ever saw. N chuckled at my antics. I stared at the slimy trail left on the strap of my bag. It was gross. It reminded me of leaches.
Yep. It was my first live encounter with a slug. ナマクジ(namakuji) as they say it in Japanese.
Eww, gross!
I woke up from my nap and continued where I left. N came into my room and we decided to go for a walk and read at our secret place. The greenery of the trees and the sound of swirling water, that would cool us down. Although the mosquitoes were a menace, but the breeze picked up and it was rather pleasant.
We spent about an hour there. We packed our stuff and started our walk back. I picked up the strap of my backpack, ready to swing it over my shoulder, when I felt a cool gel like feeling. Wait! What could it be? I looked at my right palm. Eeek! A slug! I had water in my mouth so I started making weird noises and flicked away the grossest thing I ever saw. N chuckled at my antics. I stared at the slimy trail left on the strap of my bag. It was gross. It reminded me of leaches.
Yep. It was my first live encounter with a slug. ナマクジ(namakuji) as they say it in Japanese.
Eww, gross!
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