Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer is Here

Man! It is hot today. Hot enough that I needed a fan. The temperature was at at the height of 27C today. (Laughs.) Well, as the nation remembers those who fought for the country's freedom and defending America, it also marks the beginning of summer. Yep, according to the unspoken fashion rules, people are allowed to wear white from today, right up to Labor Day in September. (Hmm, I think I have been breaking the rule these few weeks with my white loafers.)

Anyways, I have work piled up and I seriously should be catching up with my reading. That textbook is a killer. But, there is just so much going on in my head right now. I really wish to speak with someone about it... Skype credits, come soon! Okay, no more procrastinating for the evening. It is time to work on papers due tomorrow.

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