Monday, December 10, 2007

2nd Advent Sunday

The themes of waiting and light marked my 2nd Advent weekend. My schedule this weekend was rather free and I spent time swimming in my thoughts.

I have never been good at waiting, or rather, patience has never been my strength. However, as the Advent season rolled in, I am slowly starting to see that what I am going through seems trivial compared to those who waited for a LONG time for the birth of a King and the Savior. By waiting faithfully the people were able to rejoice when the moment came when all everyone was looking for came to pass.

As much as I dread to leave Japan, I look forward to spending time with loved ones before my departure. I made a choice not to attend the company's Year End Party (忘年会) and it was a good choice as I was able to enjoy good times with friends in a relaxed and less flustered manner. I am not being anti-social with my colleagues; it is just that I enjoy working with them, but I would like to keep my sanity. I am not a big party fan; I would rather sit down and have some drinks with a few people of my choice where conversations of my taste would take place.

The music presentations at church on Sunday brought a different kind of peace and anticipation. I love the sound of hand bells. As they played a few Christmas carols, it brought out the sounds of Christmas with clarity and light. I felt a glow in my heart and it brightened how I felt inside despite what I have been going through of late. The Sunday school children had their Christmas pageant just before the service and I had fun sitting with Bethany and Kimmy. Aww, the kids on stage were simply adorable as they sang their hearts out. It was not perfect, but it was beautiful just as it was. My biological clock was ticking really fast. I cannot wait to have kids of my own with a brilliant mind, great hair, and mesmerizing eye color. Hopefully they would speak a few tongues with the most interesting accent. (Whoa, slow down woman. You are getting WAY ahead of yourself. There is just too much going on in your head with the resurfacing of ex-es who are married and people commenting on your English.)

Enjoying the rest of the day, I went back to my apartment to do laundry before meeting Sunil and Ashesh at Harajuku. It was a beautiful and relaxing day which was wrapped up with a nice dinner at LaPausa, my sort-of-favorite-place at Harajuku. Food and drinks at a reasonable price, they taste good, and at the location where my buddies and I have been spending the past 20 weekends together. Once again I count my blessings that I have wonderful people in my life.
With them close to my heart, things do not seem to be that bad after all.

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