Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Change of Focus

I find myself back at square one last night not being able to sleep, but eventually did after the ordeal of tears. I got up this morning and told myself that this just has to stop. Changing the focus of how terrible things are and could be, I will be getting curtains today.

I do not recall sharing much about my apartment hunt, so let this entry be one that shed light upon the housing situation here in Macao. With the rise of many new casinos, real estate prices has doubled or tripled in the past 2 years. It was rather difficult to find a decent apartment according to the allowance given, but I was shown 4 apartments before I made my decision of the one I am living in now.

Option #1 was really close to the office, but there is just something about the dark hallways and back kitchen that was not appealing to me. It was a little pricey and small too. Option #2 had a spacious feeling once I stepped into the apartment and there was nothing to block the light and view before me. The view was the best among all the options but the furniture were shabby, and the main reason I said no was that the hallway was too smoky from the fumes of burning incense. The fire doors that are to be kept closed at all times just made it worse. I see myself coughing, sneezing, and teary eyed even while waiting for the agent to let me into the apartment.

Option #3 was not too fancy at first glance. However, while stepping into the building, I felt a nice breeze of fresh air coming from the miniature garden in the little opening of the building. The apartment was just renovated, and I guess I chose the place due to its potential after decorating and it has good air circulation around the place. Option #4 had a really beautiful kitchen, a large living space, and the rooms were nice. However, are contemplating the daily commute, I decided that I would not choose to travel close to 40 minutes on a crowded bus daily to and from work for the kitchen.

Oh yes, the transportation system here could be considered convenient to many. It has been a long time since I had been on bus commute like such. I think it was back in the days when I had to go to tuition (aka cram schools) in down town Kuala Lumpur before they had the LRT (train system). If you are from Kuala Lumpur, I reckon you can imagine what I am talking about.

Anyways, I will be getting my curtains today which means I get more privacy. Now, I can really unpack my stuff into the closet room next to the bedroom. No more worries about walking in a towel or less from the bathroom to the bedroom, or to my wardrobe. The apartment is still pretty much empty but I guess I would go out to get that rug and tableware tomorrow.

I do feel a little better than yesterday, but you know what helps? Is that someone come visit me as soon as my apartment is fully furnished and functional. I have been having strange thoughts of late, and although sappy and sentimental, I think it is not good for me to remain in that state. I guess I should not whine that much as people seem to think that I have almost what every young person would want at this stage of their life, but I would gladly trade them for a simple life doing what I want.

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