Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Don't Feel Too Good...

Arrgh!!!! I am close to ripping my hair out or banging my head against the wall. I feel extremely under the weather today. The sudden drop in tempreature made getting up this morning a bigger task than usual. Even so, I got my hinee off to work although I was running a little late. I took a look at myself in the mirror when I arrived at work this morning and I look hideous! (Throwing up....) Hmm, maybe if it stopped raining outside and started snowing might be able to cheer me up.

I had a late dinner at Osaki last night. I was on the platform of the Yamanote-line past midnight trying to get home before the last train. I saw this guy, obviously drunk, staggering on the edge of the platform with his friend and was being very loud. He laughing and having a jolly good time to himself. Soon he was standing around 2 meters away from me when the train came. For safety reasons, all commuters are adviced to stay behind a white/yellow line on the platform to avoid being hit by the train or fall onto the tracks. This guy was standing right a few inches from the edge and was enjoying the rush of wind from the passing train. He was enjoying himself so much and was drawn closer to the body of the train as it pass. Then, his head hit the train. Ouch! That has got to hurt really bad. He was still on his feet and recovered by rubbing his head, obviously not laughing anymore. Man! He could have been killed and they would have been a 人身の事故 right before my eyes. I am glad if all he suffers would be just a concussion.

The trains were extremely packed even though it was past midnight. The trains I was taking were filled with people just like the regular rush hour. It was past midnight. Where did all this people come from? I saw groups of drunk salarymen and individuals, and there was this small party of elderly ladies who caught my attention. Strange. I guess Tokyo is a place where people hardly ever sleeps. Salarymen are robots who will arrive home in an hour or so, go to bed, and get up in less than 5 hours to start the cycle again. Incredible. And whenever a person goes to a doctor here, if their symptoms could not be diagnosed of a familiar sickness, they will most commonly link it to stress. There is really no cure for stress unless the doctor gives you a prescription to take a week to a month off work. Fat chance of that happenning. So, the vicious cycle of working in a fast paced society.

I am stressed out, not because of my lifestyle here in Japan but the fact that I will be leaving it. Relocation issues can be a pain, A REAL PAIN.

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