Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Blues?

Man! What is wrong? Please do not tell me that Monday blues can seep into Tuesday too.

My left eye would not stop twitching. It is like it has a pulse of its own, drumming rhythms that is highly distracting. I have friends back home that would say that eye twitches are signs of bad luck. I am not superstitious and am stopping myself to even give it a second thought.

As usual, I found it tough to get up in the morning. The back of my right hand still hurts when my scar from scratch across the knuckles reopened the night before. Blood came running out from the deep cut which it has been a week now. I am tired from my attempt to pack last night and my thoughts are weighed down thinking about the possibilities of me going over my weigh limit.

I was close to missing my trains as I had a difficult time putting on my boots. While zipping up my left MNG boot, the zipper "handle" broke. Great! Nice pair of boots, although it has been with me for close to 7 years now, but I am not going to throw it away just because the zipper broke. The right one on the right boot broke 2 years ago but the problem could be rectified. I am keeping them.

No way am I going to let little things like such pull me down today. There is just too much to do and I really do not have the time to sit around and pout. Need to swing by the post office later. Be a big girl... They are just minor mishaps. There is no need to be blue about it. What else could go wrong?

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