Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Packing Dilemma

Here comes my favorite complaint, "I HATE PACKING!!!"

I wrapped up my final day at the Tokyo office yesterday. I was hoping that I would be able to get the regular workload done, clean out my desk, and say my proper farewells; however, things never really go the way I wanted whenever there is the last minute rush. Nevertheless, it was great as the 500yen Korean lunch party enjoyed their last meal together. We had an unexpected guest as I had a buddy emergency and invited Sunil, who was downtown then, to lunch with us.
Poor Sunil... Many hugs to you. I hope you cheer up soon.

After a rather uneventful Friday, I went home slightly earlier to start packing. Arrgh! I hope my days of living out of the suitcase will end by the end of the year, even better if it was before Christmas. I had never fully unpack contents of my suitcase since July 2! Even so, I wonder how did I manage to accumulate more stuff during the past few months. I know I am WAY beyond my weigh allowance. Do pray that there is some nice person who is willing to let me check in with them to share the baggage weight. (*Sobs (T_T) ) I just had my suitcase sent to the airport, and I reckon that would be close to 30kg. I have a travelling bag at the office stuffed with summer clothes and books, which I guess would be 15kg. I also have an extra box, hopefully less than 10kg)here waiting to be picked up by the local post office staff to be sea-mailed to Macao. Apart from that, I would still have to carry my laptop, important documents from work, and my weekend clothes to TCU on Sunday and out to the airport on Monday. Lucky me!

I am just beat right now and look forward to enjoying my last weekend here. I am going to meet Ching Boi and Marie at Ueno for lunch and possibly a trip to the zoo. Later, I will be heading over to Yokohama to watch Jewel's Christmas performance. Tomorrow, I will be leaving my current roof to Church, a day out at Suidobashi with Sunil, and then back to good ol' TCU.

If you do not hear from me again, I would deeply appreciate your prayers that my move to Macao will be smooth... pray for that kind family/person who is willing to check in with me at the airport on Monday....

Have a blessed weekend!

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