Monday, September 22, 2008

Celebrating My 5th Aniversary of My 21st Birthday

The phrase was borrowed from a close friend of mine. I guess most of us succumb to peer pressure thinking that revealing one's age is a taboo. It doesn't bug me that much anymore. I have been teased every year by friends and classmates in high school. It was kind of annoying; but hey, despite the age, they have been babying me a lot.

Anyways, I really don't mind being asked my age any more. People are not comfortable talking about their age simply because they are anxious about what people may think about them, what have the achieved or done with their life at their age. My confidence might have been built on the fact that I have been through a lot, and though it might not be success in the eyes of others, I think I am running the good race and doing people proud. If unpredictability describes me well, I guess I would be young in lieu of my mature side of going through so much in life for my age; on the other hand, my child-likeness allows for the element of surprise when people find out my real age and how well I have disguised my serious-self.

Embarking on my 26th year in life in another environment... I amaze myself by reminiscing past birthdays (a little scrolling action is required as direct access to the blog entry seem not to be working).
Wow! I do see myself maturing, not only in thoughts but my writing too. I guess keeping a journal/blogging does help track one's growth. I notice the major improvements on grammar and writing style. (^ ^) My hopes are that they get better as time goes on, just as every aspect of my life in general. I look forward in anticipation to what the good Lord has installed for me.

Due to the difference of time and space, I have received many superb birthday wishes from family and close friends. Thank you guys for making me feel well loved. I do not expect much this year, but who knows what will happen? It might just be another day of work and dealing with homework. I will share my thoughts about this anniversary soon.

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