Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Protein Breakfast

It is just the 1st week of the semester and I am totally beat!

Coursework and reading assignments are already piling up and I need to organize my pile of work in order to start working on them. My nights are stretching and starting the day early is not as easy as I intended it to be. Where is the focus of my drive right now? Studies, work, and money seem to overlap so much these days.

I don't normally have breakfast, unless I have company or that I am certain that I will be working hard and long, or that I will not be eating for the next 5-8 hours. This morning, I was too tired to clock in early at work and decided to spent some time on breakfast instead. Since I got up late, breakfast in the room was the only option. After the usual wash up, I waddled into the kitchen and started throwing stuff on the frying pan. When I was just about to dig in, "My! Protein overload!" I had bacon, bratwurst, and eggs staring at me. Thank goodness Colleen gave me a pancake for that side of carbohidrates.

Well, I am still rather stuffed but I am no more awake than when I left bed. Trying to limit myself to only a dose of coffee a day, I will save that for after dinner. It will be a long night to complete more reading and some assignments.

Man! I should seriously start a better eating routine. I think a belly is showing itself soon.
(-_ -#)

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