Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Macao Move

The news is out and I have fulfill my obligations to inform the necessary parties; therefore, it is no secret and safe for me to put it on public domain announcing my move to Macao.

After a LONG and tedious process, my visa for Macao has been granted and I will be stationed at our Macao offshore office beginning January 2008. Nevertheless, I will be moving down from Tokyo to the island on December 17 for my apartment hunting and to sort out some relocation issues before the company breaks for our winter vacation. The ideal is for me to settle down and ready to work when we open for the new year.

I have been in Japan waiting for its approval (or rather, rejection) for months now. Even though it is not the answer I hoped for, I am glad that the wait is over. Many of you know that I really would rather stay in Japan than to move to that island. Although it is a city of entertainment and has its attractions, I have been there, and I do not want to be there. I have my strong preference to stay in Japan, and the news was a little disheartening.

Many would have thought I had cried my eyes out since the news broke. Honestly, I did cry a little on Thursday mainly because I really wanted to stay and discussing with a friend did make me a little more emotional. (Yeah, I am not as tough as everyone thinks I am, and do have an emotional side.) But I did make my peace with the entire situation. In fact, it was about a month ago that I actually sat down and committed whatever the outcome was into the hands of God. After speaking to a few key persons, of course, they all understood and agreed that it was better for me to stay, but I have been encouraged to be Suemae and take in whatever that comes my way.

Confidants have been comforting me through encouraging words that I will grow stronger with this move. I will become more mature and independent. (True enough, but seriously, if I do grow any stronger... fat chance of me finding people who can accommodate Suemae without getting the wrong idea. My strengths has been misread as arrogance to those who hardly know me. Thus, it is not because I am an ice-queen, it is just because I have gone through so much that it needs a lot to bring out some enthusiasm in me.) Many has also tried to tell me all the good things about Macao like it world class bungee-jumps, entertainment, etc. It would only be appealing to me if I had people who I enjoy their company joining me in such activities. Bungee jumping alone? Hah!

There is so much in my thoughts and plans right now but I am sorting things out in order to make my move as painless as possible. With the relocation arrangements and trying to straighten things out, I will most probably be looking towards a Christmas on my own. However, nothing to worry as I have went through it last year being alone at a place I did not wish to be; nevertheless, I did enjoy myself and received blessings I did not imagine. So, it is not all bad! It would give me time to sort out my private life too! I will be fine.

I would deeply appreciate your prayers and support. Please pray that my stay in Macao will be a short but fulfilling one. I do not plan to get comfortable over there. The whole experience could be made easier if someone is to GIVE me USD 10,000. (LAUGHS!) It would be nice if you come visit me there, hear me whine, keep me company, and together we can tackle the fun stuff together. You are always welcome to visit as I will make sure that my new accommodation will be one I can all my own, comfortable and welcoming to all my loved ones.


lyn said...

Hey girl, would you be in Macao for Christmas? :)

suemae said...

Yes, I am. So, do come on over if you like. I would be more than happy to have you.