Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Blast from the Past

My lil' sis uploaded some pictures on Facebook today. They were pictures from our childhood. Looking at them I can not help but think that we three (my siblings and I) have gone through a lot. These pictures sure reflect how time and circumstances has shaped us to who we have become today. Sitting back in my chair and scrutinizing each picture over a hot cup of tea, I wonder whether I had ever imagined myself to be where I am today.

The smiles my sisters and I shared then is definitely different from what is able to make us smile now. I was blown away by each memory that resurfaced. I guess people do change, and I hope that I did for the better. If you have the opportunity to look at those pictures, please do so. I assure you that you will find it amusing and discover stuff about me just by looking at them. Oh yes, there are some pictures with me with a short hair length. The classics are those with me looking like a mushroom.


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