Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Missing Japan

I was browsing through a Japanese magazine this morning during my workout. Oh, how I miss Japan. (Well, I am not going to start on my complaints about this place, yet, but I really do miss Japan.)

Looking at the pictures, I really feel like having お鍋 (onabe) now, especially some キムチ鍋 (kimchi-nabe). I also crave for some すき焼き(sukiyaki) and しゃぶしゃぶ (syabu-syabu). Mmm, thinking about it just makes my mouth water. Whenever I am hungry these days, I just feel like heading out to the convenient store for some 焼きそば (yaki-soba) or お好み焼き (okonomiyaki), but hey, this is not Japan; thus, I choose to skip my meal instead.

Even though there is a Daiso here and I should cut back on my snacks, but I sure do miss my favorite snacks. So, people who miss me in Japan and would love to send me a love package, please do not forget my favorite 明治 トッポ (Meiji Toppo), 明治 PUCCA (Meiji Pucca), and 明治 クアラのマーチ (the chocolate filled biscuits with koala printed on it. I love all the flavors they have). Also, I would not mind to have some instant たらこ (tarako) pasta topping/sauce, in fact, instant sauces and soups of all flavors. (Even though they are instant food and some might wonder my MSG intake; however, let me assure you that Japan has a stricter code for food and thus it is not THAT bad for health.)

Sigh! Well, I will just snack on my chocolates I received over Christmas for now and think of all the possible winter goodies I miss.

1 comment:

Su Anne said...

didnt miss nato? hehe...