Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Never Say Never

Each of us have preferences and wants in life. Interpreted in a different light, it reflects the degree and extent of arrogance and pride within us. It is through such choices that defines who we are; nevertheless, you will have to agree with me that certain preference and choices we make are not the most logical nor the best.

Taking the most common example of finding the other half: many of us would probably have a list of likes and dislikes. There is nothing wrong to be picky about it, after all, we hope to find someone who we will share the rest of our lives with. However, do seriously consider whether the criteria listed mirror sense or sensibility. Be it one's life companion or the food that one eats, thinking what is more important would also help define how much one is willing to compromise and one's ability to be reasonable.

I am no stranger to the above. There are so many things that I say that I would never do, but somehow I did give in. As a matter of fact, certain of such choices has a better outcome, and some did prove that it was my initial choice could be irrational and arrogant. Just to show that I am human and far from perfect, allow me to share with you incidents for a good laugh.

Pink is not my color. Growing up as a tom-boy, the color pink sends shivers down my spine. Choosing an item of that color is unthinkable. If I do have to wear something in pink, images of marshmallows start dancing in my head. However, for one of my birthday gifts, my close friends got together and gave me a two piece pink outfit. I thought I would never wear it, but out of a tease, I did wear it to a party once and many complimented that I look lovely in pink. Reevaluating myself in the mirror a few times, I have to agree with them. Now, although pink is still not my first choice, but I know I look good in it and would pick the color as it compliments me.

I would never tell a guy that I like him and it would take a long time into the relationship before I would actually tell him so. This is just me and sheer arrogance. I believe that it would be too "easy" for him and reflects how desperate I am. Most guys know once they have captured your heart or attention, they would start slacking. They have "caught" you, the thrill is gone, thus why bother to put in any more effort? If I do like him, I would be nice enough to drop him enough hints, but come on! I have a big ego and would never make the first move. But hey, circumstances do get the better of us at times, and I have relented on this before.

Also, I would never have a relationship with a guy who is considered good looking in the common eye. All men are heartless, and those who know that he is good looking are the worst. Maybe my precaution to getting myself disappointed and hurt is a wee bit higher than the average, but I have seen it happen enough times to be careful. Nevertheless, I give myself a slap on the wrist for this one too.

Finally, I hate cleaning. (Laughs! Yeah, right!) I dislike household chores and cleaning when I was growing up. I dread it when told that I have to clean stuff up. I would make the scene look neat, but would avoid actually picking up utensils to start cleaning rooms and clearing my stuff. However, I did sign up for a part-time job in cleaning once, and the moment I started, I was very particular in getting everything spotless. I am lazy, but when I do take time to clean, I would really get it done, Monica style!

So, yeah... Even though I do not fully agree with friends who are superstitious to say that if one voices out their dislike or preferences strongly, it would turn out otherwise, I would agree to the extent that circumstances do change a person. Seriously, never say never, for you really do not know what lies ahead.

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