"Hey Suemae, there is no water." What? I got up around my usual Saturday sleep in and was not too happy when I couldn't take my usual pampering shower. I heard the hum of the water pump outside and Colleen explained to me that the water supply was turned off due to the flood. Our option was to use the showers at the Fitness Center.
Annoyed, Nem, Colleen, and I did a little computer work before we started packing to hit the showers. When we step out of the threshold,
HOLY COW! It has flooded indeed!!! Tyler Creek that runs through campus has turned into a white water river threshing through before our eyes. The pond was overflowing and water came right up till the flight of Volkman stairs. Although Plant Operations came to lay sand bags around the building, the basement was flooded. I was told that the flooding in the basement/sub-level was worse last year, but the actual swelling of the river and pond was far worse this time. We were declared to be in national state of emergency
(due to extreme weather conditions).

B didn't want to get up so the 3 of us made it to the car after wading through the wet basement. We piled into the car when Colleen's door would not close. We tried and tried but it just seemed like the frame did not fit the door anymore. Wet in the rain, the annoyance just increased. We took the long way around campus to get to the Fitness Center as the bridge and roads connecting our journey immediately were not in use due the rushing waters. Well, the good part about our shower excursion was that I get to relive the
ofuro scene again but with my current roomies. Naked fellowship brings us closer to the next lever.
We needed to get some food and water since we can't do anything in the room. But soon we were told that if the rain does not stop and if the water keeps rising, we have to be prepared for evacuation. In fact, we were encouraged to evacuate. This did not make any of the 307 residents happy at all. We packed up Colleen's car and people were starting to get catty. Well, experience something new that helps understand my roomies better again.
We went to the library, I got my card and we borrowed some DVDs. We then went to CiCi's as I was feeling like spinach pizza. We stuffed ourselves with the all-you-can-eat and picked up some water at Woodman's. The rain stopped and we came back to chill in our room. We soon learned that 2 more rain systems will come down within the next 24 hours and the water might rise again. The evacuation might be decided for sure now. Yet, we just decided to chill in our room... simply because we rather be here together than anywhere else. We popped in a movie and right about in the middle of the movie, the alarm went off.
"Oh great, tornado alarm!" We immediately went downstairs to the 3-inch flooded basement and was soon shuffled out of the building into the parking lot. It seemed that it was the fire alarm that went off and we were asked to move to the side of the building to let the fire trucks and other emergency vehicles come through. Nem, Colleen and I packed into the car again and just sat there doodling sadistic nonsense on the foggy windows.
Could this day get anymore eventful?When it was declared safe to be back in the building again, we continued our movie. We were thirsty and since we used most of our cups and glasses last night, we end up drinking shots of water with the teeny-tiny glasses I had for keeping used tea-bags. B returned and we popped in Sweeny
Todd to watch. The borrowed DVDs started giving us problems so we moved from watching it on the TV to B's MacBook Pro. When we were done with the movie, all of us desperately needed a potty break.
We took a 5 minute walk to Upper Commons. We made the toilet excursion fun and stopped to stare at the threshing creek that turned into a raging river. Colleen thought we were raptured when she returned from studying at Jamesons'. She wondered where we went as she thought 11 would be time for dinner. A deer almost ran into our car on campus. We ended up with take-out from McD's.
Great! Why am I spending so much just because we do not have water?Although the water has receded much since this afternoon but things are still crazy over here. The water will still be out until the basement is no longer flooding. That means no plumbing till after the sun comes out, which is roughly mid-Monday perhaps. We watched another movie when we got back as it is impossible to get any studying done now. No worries I am safe, not very sound since I have tonnes of homework due on Monday. I wonder whether there is any madness left for tomorrow?